Jun 5, 2023

What medications and medical services can smart pharmacy provide?

The medications and medical services that smart pharmacy can provide vary depending on the size and business model of the pharmacy. Generally speaking, smart pharmacy can provide the following services:

1. Medication sales

Smart pharmacy can provide a variety of prescription and non-prescription medications, including common cold medications, skin medications, and medications of blood pressure regulators and blood lipid regulators.

2. Health product sales

Smart pharmacy can also sell some common health products, such as calcium tablets, vitamins, protein powder, etc.

3. Medical consultation

The sales personnel of smart pharmacy need to undertake professional training and be able to provide customers with professional advice on medications, such as side effects, precautions, and usage methods, as well as how to store medications correctly.

4. Automated medication dispenser services

Some smart pharmacies are also equipped with automatic medicine vending machines, which can provide customers with faster services.

5. Online diagnosis and referral

Some smart pharmacies can provide online diagnosis and referral services, where customers can conduct consultation and referral through intelligent devices and networks, such as video diagnosis and prescription delivery services.

Smart Pharmacy is an upgraded version of traditional pharmacy, covering the sales of medications and health products in traditional pharmacies. At the same time, it can provide medical consultation, automatic medicine vending machine services, online diagnosis and referral services, and provide customers with more intelligent and convenient medical services.