Company News

Sigapore ALPS & SSW delegation visits Shenzhen RSS
Jul 24, 2024
Sigapore ALPS & SSW delegation visits Shenzhen RSS

Sigapore ALPS, SSW, Synpaxe & LogiDynic delegation (13 gusests) paid an official visit to Shenzhen RSS on July 16 for central pharmacy project of Sigapore public hospitals.

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New product intelligent medication verification system launched
Oct 13, 2023
New product intelligent medication verification system launched

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Q3 2023 Company Sales Training & Conference
Sep 27, 2023
Q3 2023 Company Sales Training & Conference

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Phase 2 hospital information pharmacists from Guangdong Pharmaceutical Association visited our company
May 23, 2021
Phase 2 hospital information pharmacists from Guangdong Pharmaceutical Association visited our company

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